* Over 35+ tournaments including official NPPL and Millennium layouts and field locations like Hunting Beach, Commanders Cup, Toulouse, Malaga and more
* Multiple modes of play, including Career, Quickplay, Multiplayer, Tutorial and Training modes
* Over 110+ pieces of officially licensed gear, including parts from JT Sports, Tippmann, Spyder, Smart Parts and many others
* Most technologically advanced paintball AI ever includes unique situational and position-based player attributes
* You can use Breakout Planner to set your team's breakout strategy and firing lanes
Product Description
It can be as playful as a party game, or as dead serious as military training for a coming deployment. But whatever your approach to paintball or Airsoft, there are rules to learn, tactics to master, variations to discover, and equipment to consider. And in every instance, Paintball and Airsoft Battle Tactics has the answers.
The ultimate resource for these sports so popular among weekend warriors and military simulators, this book helps novice players and veterans alike to hone their skills and sharpen their understanding of the art and science of MilSim strategy and tactics.
Written by a military analyst with real-world experience training combatants around the world, this paintball and Airsoft tacticians bible refreshes and refocuses the military simulator, but it doesnt stop there. It also fosters, mentors, and challenges both the apprentice and the maestro with basic individual and leadership skills, team drills, and intermediate patrolling operations, covering all the necessities for waging paintball and Airsoft combat successfully at the small-team level.
Book Description
The ultimate resource for paintball and Airsoft combat, this book helps novice players and veterans alike to hone their skills and sharpen their understanding of the art and science of MilSim strategy and tactics. Written by a military analyst with real-world experience training combatants around the world, this tactician's bible refreshes and refocuses the military simulator, even as it fosters, mentors, and challenges both the apprentice and the maestro with basic individual and leadership skills, team drills, and intermediate patrolling operations.
* Fabric: 100% polyester mesh body, 100% cotton collar and cuffs
* Digi-camo pattern
* High neckline to prevent painful neck shots
* Ergonomic elbow padding
* Football mesh underarms
* Effective tactical digi-camo pattern
* High neckline to protect against neck shots
* Ergonomic elbow padding for rolling, diving, and shooting from the prone position
* Super cool football mesh undarm
* Shoulder padding for increased comfort with tactical vests
Paintball Accessories You Can’t Play Without

Paintball Accessories You Can’t Play Without
Having the markers, tanks, guns, vests and other equipment complete the excitement when you plan to play paintball. But little do others know that it is the small and simple things that count even before the game begins. Sometimes the little accessories that are locked in a toolbox are all that are needed to complete a paintball game. A toolbox is the first aid kit of the game; if anything goes wrong that is unexpected or unavoidable, there is no reason to fret.
The gun’s manual: there are instances in the game when the gun has to undergo “intensive surgery”. Guns differ from each other regardless of the physical similarities of some. If that time comes when it needs to be disassembled, the manual can make it easier to put it all back together. Try to find manuals with problem solving ideas, they really help.
Reserve batteries: some guns require batteries to function. It would be such a waste of time if in the middle of the game the batteries died and you could not continue to play so keep new batteries available.
Allen wrench to the rescue: some players have either inherited their guns from their friends or bought second-hand guns. If you did not get a set of Allen wrenches when you bought the gun buy a set from a hardware store and be sure to keep them handy.
Oil ole’! Make sure that there is a small can of oil for the paintball gun inside the box as well. Sometimes weather dictates if the gun needs oiling; be sure to get the specific oil type recommended by the manual for the gun.
Mask lens as spare: when worse comes to worst, mask lens’ will either become blurry or scratched. Don’t hesitate to replace them if your vision is impaired as this really affects how the game is played.
Squeegee anyone? Carrying one on the field is enough during a game, so why not bring a replacement if anything goes wrong? It saves time for playing rather than looking for a squeegee.
Cupseals and reserved O-rings: some players do not know that O-rings and cup seals can be damaged easily and this will hurt the paintball gun big time so it is a must to replace the cupseal before this happens.
And for the player, always have a neck guard around to save the neck from those disturbing shots that hit your neck. There may be a team available to do first aid when something goes wrong but it would make sense to carry a personal first aid kit. Carry around spare basic safety “gadgets” like a mask, gloves, and pads and have a worry free paintball game.
Why Everyone Loves Paintball

Why Everyone Loves Paintball
Today, many people from all over the world are playing or at least have tried playing paintball. It is becoming one of the most popular outdoor sports in the world, an alternative to classic favorites such as basketball and football. It is the kind of game where everyone can play; a competition where things such as gender, social status, age or race does not bring about discrimination or disadvantage of any kind. All that matters is the ability to think and act quickly. Intelligence and decisiveness are the primary factors that can make a person a paintball expert.
The objective of the game is simple enough: To capture the flag of the enemy while protecting his or her own.
Here are several reasons why paintball is a sport well-loved by many people:
1. Physical contact is not really needed. People can dispense fears of being physically injured, or worse, death. Players do not need to hurt their opponents to have them ejected from the game. You only need to mark them with paintballs, and the deed is already done. No fuss, no “black eyes”!.
2. Equality exists among the players. It is the game where a man has no edge over a woman, or the young can take advantage of the old. The only thing that can give a player have an advantage over the other is experience.
3. Even amateurs can enjoy the game. Chances are that a first time player can eliminate an experienced player.
4. One does not need to be an athlete, since the game can be played with minimal physical contact.
5. Paintball players use a lot of gadgets. Everyone loves the sense of childhood one gets when using intricate toys.
6. The fact that one can just eliminate players is a thrill in itself. Eliminating one's opponent is even encouraged, while protecting the team's flag.
7. There is a foreboding sense of danger. It stems from the awareness that one can be removed from the game in just one blink of the eye, and no one is invincible. The fear is enough to arouse a little bit of anxiety in a player, but not enough to make him so nervous he cannot perform his tasks.
There is no doubt that paintball is one of the most exciting sports ever conceived. It is the kind of game where people can experience the stimulation that other strenuous sports provide, and paintball can develop teamwork and camaraderie among its players.
Tips on How to Play the Paintball Sport
Tips on How to Play the Paintball Sport
Playing paintball is so much fun. The main goal of the game is to capture the opponent’s flag and make them surrender by aggressively attacking their defenses. What excites many people is the fast pace and action-packed scenery that a person will experience.
Most paintball games are played in a place where players can move freely. Outdoor venues like fields or improvised camps provide complete facilities for everyone who wants to experience this sport. There are also indoor venues that are available during various seasons when people are unable to go outside because of the cold weather or rainy seasons.
A person is provided with a paintball gun that is primarily air pressured. The group is generally composed of ten or more persons divided into two teams. Each team must have an equal number of persons and they will battle like two opposing armed groups on a battlefield.
Each group will be provided colored armbands to mark each member so that their teammates are and opponents are not confused. The main goal is to reach the opponents’ flag and hit every opponent – when doing so - using their paintball guns. The team that captures the flag will bring it to their base to ensure they have won the game.
A person will know that he is eliminated when he is hit by the paintball. It is determined by the splat of a paintball that will break and mark the gear. A referee will determine if he may continue or to be eliminated from the game. The paintballs are about the size of marbles; but they are spherical in shape with hard shell layers that enables the paintball to go a long distance and speed up the launch when fired at the target.
Paintball guns appear similar to a real gun but it has a barrel container that stores and launch the paintball. It has a trigger that will activate the release and a reservoir that will store more paintballs. The propulsion is powered by pressurized gas.
The execution will depend on the style the player thinks will be effective for defense.
The thrill and excitement is what really makes people love this sport. Others consider it an activity that can be enjoyed with their friends and families. It will give a person a worthwhile experience with the adventure-like setting and the excitement of the game.
Playing paintball is so much fun. The main goal of the game is to capture the opponent’s flag and make them surrender by aggressively attacking their defenses. What excites many people is the fast pace and action-packed scenery that a person will experience.
Most paintball games are played in a place where players can move freely. Outdoor venues like fields or improvised camps provide complete facilities for everyone who wants to experience this sport. There are also indoor venues that are available during various seasons when people are unable to go outside because of the cold weather or rainy seasons.
A person is provided with a paintball gun that is primarily air pressured. The group is generally composed of ten or more persons divided into two teams. Each team must have an equal number of persons and they will battle like two opposing armed groups on a battlefield.
Each group will be provided colored armbands to mark each member so that their teammates are and opponents are not confused. The main goal is to reach the opponents’ flag and hit every opponent – when doing so - using their paintball guns. The team that captures the flag will bring it to their base to ensure they have won the game.
A person will know that he is eliminated when he is hit by the paintball. It is determined by the splat of a paintball that will break and mark the gear. A referee will determine if he may continue or to be eliminated from the game. The paintballs are about the size of marbles; but they are spherical in shape with hard shell layers that enables the paintball to go a long distance and speed up the launch when fired at the target.
Paintball guns appear similar to a real gun but it has a barrel container that stores and launch the paintball. It has a trigger that will activate the release and a reservoir that will store more paintballs. The propulsion is powered by pressurized gas.
The execution will depend on the style the player thinks will be effective for defense.
The thrill and excitement is what really makes people love this sport. Others consider it an activity that can be enjoyed with their friends and families. It will give a person a worthwhile experience with the adventure-like setting and the excitement of the game.
Tips in Choosing a Paintball Gun

Tips in Choosing a Paintball Gun
Today paintball is one of the most popular sports not only in the United States but around the world. It is a fun and exciting game that offers adventure to its players. When getting on the paintball field, it is very important to consider your one important friend - the paintball gun.
Paintball would not be paintball without the paintball gun. All paintball guns may look the same but it is important to remember that choosing the right paintball gun is not an easy task. Here are some tips that you may need to consider:
1. The very first thing that needs to be considered when buying a paintball gun is the price. It is important that the buyer determine his budget for the gun. There are many paintball guns in the market and prices may range from $100 to $900. The cost of the gun will depend on the brand and features that come with it.
2. It is recommended a person test all types of guns before buying one. He may want to try those that he has borrowed or rented which will give him the chance to choose which a gun that works for him. The paintball gun should provide ease of use and comfort for the user.
3. Before buying a paintball gun, it is important that he decide on the size of the gun, the paintball loader and the tank that he desires. Remember that the bigger the tanks and the paintball loaders the heavier the gun becomes. A good gun should be the right size for the user and should contain the amount of paintball needed to fire at the opponents.
4. The buyer should shop around first before deciding on a particular paintball gun. This will give him the chance to evaluate and compare prices. Some shops offer lower prices than other shops, so do some research and purchase the one that fits your needs and pocketbook.
5. Seek advice from friends who play paintball, instructors, and coaches of paintball games who will be able to provide some tips on what paintball guns they have used and have found effective. Paintball stores can also recommend some good paintball guns and/or those that they most often sell to their customers.
After choosing the right paintball gun, you must familiarize yourself with the machine. Practicing with the paintball gun will help you move with the gun as well as apply some strategies for using the gun.
The Importance of Stealth
The Importance of Stealth
Paintball is a war game. Firepower and manpower do matter. Firepower is the ability of a paintball gun to inflict a lot of paint on your opponents and the ammunition it can carry. However firepower is useless in the wrong hands. It is still manpower that will win teams their games.
Manpower is the ability of a player not to only play harder but to also play smarter in the field. This article tackles about stealth and how it can win games for you.
Stealth is the ability to blend with your surroundings. Using different techniques to achieve this, stealth will usually indicate who the “newbie” is in a paintball environment.
Stealth is about moving the right way. When you have to make a quick dash, it is best to just stick to paths where there are no twigs. Twigs are the worst things to step on as they will snap, break, and make noise. It is recommended that you take your time (when you still have it) and move slowly when going through a cluttered area.
Stealth is best accomplished when using the proper equipment. Shoes and clothing will help tremendously in minimizing the sound you create when moving. Shoes with soft soles are recommended as they make less noise than army combat boots because they have a natural sound absorption property that helps limit the sounds made while stepping.
Soft clothing will also be an advantage as coarse fabrics will create a lot of noise when brushing against branches and the foliage. It is great for crawling quietly to go to a desired place with a minimal amount of noise created.
Other things must also fit snug or tightly on your body. This includes harnesses and holsters. You should also avoid putting anything in the leg area since walking and running will cause it to make noise - this includes your reloads and ammunition.
There are also several techniques such as using colors that match the foliage of the battlefield: this will hide you and makes you virtually unseen (when not moving) by your enemies.
When you have to move, it is recommended that you learn how to crawl the proper way (and with the ability to still fire when needed).
Stealth takes a lot of time to learn properly. Even experienced players will make mistakes and with these mistakes they learn how not to do it!
Paintball is a war game. Firepower and manpower do matter. Firepower is the ability of a paintball gun to inflict a lot of paint on your opponents and the ammunition it can carry. However firepower is useless in the wrong hands. It is still manpower that will win teams their games.
Manpower is the ability of a player not to only play harder but to also play smarter in the field. This article tackles about stealth and how it can win games for you.
Stealth is the ability to blend with your surroundings. Using different techniques to achieve this, stealth will usually indicate who the “newbie” is in a paintball environment.
Stealth is about moving the right way. When you have to make a quick dash, it is best to just stick to paths where there are no twigs. Twigs are the worst things to step on as they will snap, break, and make noise. It is recommended that you take your time (when you still have it) and move slowly when going through a cluttered area.
Stealth is best accomplished when using the proper equipment. Shoes and clothing will help tremendously in minimizing the sound you create when moving. Shoes with soft soles are recommended as they make less noise than army combat boots because they have a natural sound absorption property that helps limit the sounds made while stepping.
Soft clothing will also be an advantage as coarse fabrics will create a lot of noise when brushing against branches and the foliage. It is great for crawling quietly to go to a desired place with a minimal amount of noise created.
Other things must also fit snug or tightly on your body. This includes harnesses and holsters. You should also avoid putting anything in the leg area since walking and running will cause it to make noise - this includes your reloads and ammunition.
There are also several techniques such as using colors that match the foliage of the battlefield: this will hide you and makes you virtually unseen (when not moving) by your enemies.
When you have to move, it is recommended that you learn how to crawl the proper way (and with the ability to still fire when needed).
Stealth takes a lot of time to learn properly. Even experienced players will make mistakes and with these mistakes they learn how not to do it!
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